In His Service... ![](goldanic.gif)
Studies and articles about the Rapture and its
The question of when the rapture of the Church will
occur has been a debated issue for centuries. On this page, I express my
own personal viewpoint, and offer Biblical studies and articles from third
parties who also believe as I do for support. For me, some of the
most compelling evidence for a pre-tribulation rapture, as well as the
Scriptural references in the articles linked below, are other rapture "types"
in the Bible. God's sparing of Noah and his family from the flood,
rescuing Lot and his family prior to the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah,
and probably the most compelling, the use of lamb's blood on the doorposts
to spare the firstborn of Israel when the angel of death passed over Egypt.
It's apparent that God did NOT appoint HIS people to wrath, even in the
Old Testament. The New Testament tells us that Christians will face
persecution and tribulations - but I believe that this is by man and the
forces of Satan, not the coming wrath of our Heavenly Father.
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